Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I'm a giraffe for Halloween, after all, what else would I be?

Daddy helped Livvy get into her giraffe costume, she is ready for Halloween

Don't forget this is what the back side looks like (it even has a tail!)

Yep still a giraffe

Jer and I were Hawaiians

Cute picture with Daddy

Waiting for all the Trick-or-Treaters to come

I am done being a giraffe!!

Shari's scary pumpkin- no I am not amazing really I used a Halloween kit to help me!

We carved our pumpkins so late that Jer decided to do one that would work for Novemeber so he carved this pilgrim's hat. Pretty impressive! He didn't use a kit!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Olivia, Olivia, and more Olivia!

Livvy's first snow day!

Our Family Photo in the snow! Crazy thing was it was only October 10th!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Our home in Nebraska

I totally forgot that I never posted pictures of the house! These are some from when we moved our things in, in June. So it is looking a little better now, but these will give you an idea of what it looks like. That is the bedroom- still needs some work!

The wonderful basement- with washer and dryer!!

The living Room

The Kitchen

Our First meal in Nebraska! Yum!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Boppy Time

This is my Boppy and I love hanging out in it!

This is Grandpa Coy's neck "Boppy" and I love hanging out in it too!

Grandma Coy and Olivia

We feel so blessed that my sweet Grandma Coy was able to hold our little Olivia before she passed away. They are both angels!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Olivia is Here!! YAY!

We are the luckiest parents in the world. On Saturday, Sept. 5 our little Olivia was born at 1:49am. She weighed 6lbs. 12 oz. and was 19 inches long.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Jer's REAL Birthday!

I suppose occasionally it is ok to brag about your super cute husband, he sent ME flowers on HIS real birthday. I was super surprised! I know he is the best!!
The flowers are so beautiful, I am so lucky!!

Jer's Pretend Birthday

This was the Sunday before Jeremy left to Nebraska. We celebrated his birthday before he left. Shelley made him 2 delicious b-day cakes, Fruit Pizzas! Yummy!

Blowing out the candles!

I had to throw this one in, this is cute Landon playing with my nieces! So fun! He is already so cute with kids!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Elder Landon Stoker is HOME!!

Landon came home on July 22nd from his mission in Jacksonville, Florida. It has been so much fun to have him back!

Fun Night Eating at the Stoker's

So this was a Jenna idea that she remembered they had done many years ago to eat on Tupperware lids and use measuring cups to drink out of! So fun. My plate is the first picture, then Jer's, and the whole family giving a "Cheers" with their Measuring cups!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Bocce, Bocce, and More Bocce

For father's day we gave dad the game of Bocce. Basically that is all we do this summer is play!! We are Bocce champs now!
We are totally ready to play!
It was Mom and Dad

versus Jer and Shar!

Then we went to Layton and played Bocce with Theron and Fran!

Wow look how close!! But the yellow was Fran & Shari's team!! Yahoo!

We went to Provo and played Bocce with Jenny & Jodi- No worries there is still much more summer to keep playing!